The error you’re encountering arises because the method SumData is declared as static, and within it, you are attempting to call setTextboxText, a non-static method. In C#, static methods cannot directly call instance methods or access instance fields/properties because static methods belong to the class itself, not to any specific instance of that class. Instance methods, on the other hand, require a specific object instance to be invoked.

Here are a few options to resolve this error, each with its own considerations:

1. Use a Static Singleton Reference

This involves keeping a static reference to the Form1 instance and using it to call setTextboxText. This is the singleton approach you mentioned. It’s simple and works if there’s only ever one instance of Form1. However, it introduces global state into your application, which can make testing harder and reduce code clarity.

2. Pass an Instance of Form1 to SumData

Another approach is to modify SumData to accept an instance of Form1, either directly or by modifying the state object to include a reference to Form1. This makes the dependency explicit and keeps the method non-static. It’s a cleaner approach in terms of object-oriented design but requires changing how SumData is called.

3. Make SumData a Non-static Method

Making SumData an instance method of Form1 is perhaps the most straightforward solution in terms of object-oriented principles. It ensures that SumData has access to all instance members of Form1 without needing any workarounds. This approach is most appropriate when SumData logically operates as part of the Form1 instance’s behavior.

4. Invoke the Method Using the Current Form Instance

This is similar to the singleton approach but more flexible. You could use Form.ActiveForm to get the currently active form and cast it to Form1 before calling setTextboxText. This approach is somewhat brittle because it assumes that the active form is always an instance of Form1 and that there’s only one form of this type.

5. Use Event-based Communication

Another, more advanced solution involves using events to communicate between the thread running SumData and the form. SumData could raise an event when it’s time to update the UI, and Form1 could listen for this event and update the UI accordingly. This method decouples the background work from the UI updates, making your code more modular and easier to manage.

Each of these solutions has different implications for code design and application architecture. The best choice depends on your specific requirements, including whether your application might ever have multiple instances of Form1, whether you want to avoid global state, and how tightly you want to couple your background processing to your form’s instance.

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